I just wanted to thank you for all that you did.
A year ago I was in here trying hard to live.
You helped fix my kidneys and I was able to pull through.
Just wait until I tell you, all the things I've learned to do.
In the summer I jumped off the diving board all by myself.
And I learned to ride a bike, my training wheels now on the shelf.
My dad got me a 4 wheeler that I can ride alone.
I accidentally ran into my Uncle's barn, I sure hope i'm not accident prone.
I got to go to a movie theater, for the first time.
And watch silly animals shake their behind. ( Madagascar 2)
I got to go trick-r-treating with my cousins and little brother.
Lots of candy and cool costumes, nothing could be funner.
I go to the dentist now and I do pretty good.
Mom and Dad are so proud of me because I sit still just like I should.
I've gotten really strong so I help mom carry groceries in the house.
She says that growing up and being a gentleman is what it's all about.
Because you helped me, I've been able to do new things.
Because God healed me, I can laugh and sing.
I love that poem!