Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lance Goes to the Dentist

1 Corinthians 6:19

"Do you not know that your body is a temple?...Therefore honor God with your body."

Mom said I had to go to the dentist so they could clean my teeth.
But I thought my teeth were fine, they looked clean enough to me.

Hiding didn't work and saying I'd brush my teeth everyday.
Didn't make mom and dad change their mind. To the dentist, I was on my way.

On the way into the office I saw pictures down the hall.
My friends Kyle and Joey had made the, " NO CAVITIES" wall.

We only waited a minute until the teeth cleaning lady called my name.
I was wishing I were somewhere else, maybe a baseball game.

She took me back to a really big chair and showed me where to sit.
I climbed up and got real quiet but I didn't throw a fit.

She got out a funny looking camera and asked me to open my mouth.
She was going to take pictures of my teeth, "thats like pictures from the inside out."

As neat as that sounded my mouth stayed shut.
No bribing or coaxing was going to get me to open up.

Dad came up next to me and said, "Lance it'll be alright."

"Will you please open your mouth big, like the funny faces we make at night?"

I started to relax and opened up so she could see inside.
She turned on a bright light and started counting, "one, two, three, four, five."

Yep, I had all my teeth and now she was going to clean them.
There were a gazillion flavors of polish and she was going to let me choose one.

In about five minutes my teeth were sparkly white.
And now we had to wait for the dentist to come in and make sure they were alright.

She flossed my teeth with a little piece of string.
It looked like a mini version of the wire papa used for fishing.

I got a new green toothbrush because greens my favorite color.
And I got to pick a blue one to give to my little brother.

She even had a prize box with lots of little toys.
Bracelets, stickers, and key chains. Stuff for girls and boys.

The dentist checked my teeth and said they looked okay.
Now I could take my picture that would go up in the hallway.

Mom said God gave us our teeth and were suppose to brush.
Always making sure to get the back, and never ever rush.

So I will brush them everyday to make sure the cavities stay far away.

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